Archive for Judging strippers


Posted in Customers with tags , , , , , , on April 22, 2019 by tiltdiary

A performers dream or nightmare? Tonight, it’s my nightmare. The women have brought their dates to the strip club. And tonight, the bitches aren’t in friendly mood — blame the blood moon in Libra or the fact that they are sexually as frustrated as they can be. They are here to judge us, the third kind. They are going to make sure that we cannot win them over, they are just not willing to cave in tonight. And God forbid one of their guys takes a wrong look at my breast, my ass, or my lean, toned legs. No, because the game is, “While you are allowed to go to the strip club you can only have eyes on me.” So the guys sitting next to their date are suppressing any sexual feeling or thoughts I might spark. The guys look in pain biting their lips, swallowing any sexual arousal that might arise — no wonder the women will stay again tonight sexually frustrated. Because they did not allow their men to get sexually aroused. And the women look angry. Like the strip club police here to keep their guys in check and give us a dollar if we are lucky, and throw comments at me to prove their sexual liberation. Comments like, “You are so strong. You did a good job. Nice dance.” Who is that bitch to judge my performance when she has never walked in my shoes, tried one pole tick, nor would she ever have the courage to step on my stage especially not with her being my audience. With a packed railing but very little tips on stage I admit I did not enjoy performing. It felt rather like an interrogation dance then a sensual, sexual expression of my femininity. It feels like I don’t ever want to dance again. But of course I will. And there’s always hope that the bitches leave, and my next set will be for people who want to be mesmerized, transported, or at least appreciate every woman who has the guts to go up there to make a buck so she can do what she needs to do. 

But one thing I want to clarify to these bitches who dare to come into my territory. I am not just strong on the pole. I am fucking gorgeous, a skilled performer, an artist, a dancer, a woman who can take your breath away if you have the courage to let it happen. 

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Posted in Stripper Secrets with tags , , , , , , on April 3, 2015 by tiltdiary

I overheard her complaining to another dancer in the dressing room, “I have been sober for years now but nobody believes me. They say I look like a drug addict. They say to me you cannot work as a stripper and ever be sober. They cannot imagine that I can do this job without using. But I am sober and it frustrates me to be constantly falsely accused.” It’s true. Society doesn’t like to think of a sober stripper, because society wants us all to be fucked up so we fit rightfully into the niche of outcast. The customers don’t want us to be sober either. Men want to party with us (so they don’t feel so bad about being fucked up themselves), they try to get us drunk and high because they think their chances of getting laid increase with an intoxicated stripper, and the customers even hope we can sell them drugs. If you are a stripper you must be a user. Who can do this job sober? She can, and I can (I have never been drunk, stoned, or high in my entire life), and if there are two of us then there are more of us out there. Just nobody wants to see us because we don’t fit the stigma they want to put on us. Why do people always have to judge what they know nothing about?

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Posted in Stripper Secrets with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on October 13, 2014 by tiltdiary

I get asked out on a regular strip club shift many times. Many men, in relationships, married, single that visit the strip club end up with the fantasy and sometimes with the obsession to meet the dancer of their choice outside of the club. Often, after a relationship has developed inside the club, lap dances have been experienced together, and even life stories, thoughts, and feelings have been shared, the men feel entitled to see a dancer outside of the club. It becomes a primary and often frustrating goal to get a dancer to agree to a the relationship outside of the club. And if we don’t, often we get labeled as money hungry bitches that just want your money. Even women call us that. After all, nobody wants to be a stripper (except of course in a female fantasy). We take money from people for something we shouldn’t take money for, for something we shouldn’t do after all. We shouldn’t take our clothes off for money in the first place. We shouldn’t charge for conversation, seduction, and affection that we share with our customers. In fact, strippers shouldn’t get paid for entertaining people. Movie stars take their clothes off for living (many have been seen in lingerie, bikinis, or even nude), they seduce, they even pretend to have sex on the screen, they turn people on but they are appreciated, celebrated for it. They make millions for entertaining people, even, if it turns out to be a bad, lame movie. They say we strippers just pretend to like a customer. Movie stars pretend all day long, and if they are good enough at pretending they even get an Oscar for it. Right?

The anger, discrimination, and disappointment about us strippers doesn’t come from what we are, it comes from the expectations that people have about the profession of a stripper. But it’s a false assumption about what stripping is and how it should be. We are entertainers, but we are close to the audience. We are not projected by some machine onto a beautiful, giant, white screen. We work on, often a dirty, stage. Dirty, because nobody thinks the stage should be cleaned for our asses. It’s good enough covered in sweat and tears from years. It’s good enough for a stripper. But we strippers talk to the ones that nobody wants to talk to. We don’t take husbands away from their wives. The husbands comes freely to us, because their wives are too busy getting their manicures and pedicures, their wives won’t listen to what they let lose in the club. In fact, the husbands wouldn’t dare to show their wives who they really are. That’s why they come to us. We take them for who they are no matter how despicable they are. We don’t nag at them or try to change them. Sometimes, we shrug our shoulders in the dressing room and tell each other, “That’s just how he is. What he says about your ass, and how he comments on your pussy.” The single guys come to us because they are afraid to talk to girls. They don’t know what to say, how to respond to a text, and how to ask a girl out for dinner. They come to us to find out, or if they are too shy to find a girl outside of the club, then at least, they can have safe female interaction and company without having to worry. So, what are we strippers.? Money hungry bitches or gems of society that have found their own coping mechanisms to deal with all the dysfunctional people we get to deal with. And would any therapist, any entertainer, any doctor provide their service for free? Just because we take tips on stage and don’t have a set price for watching doesn’t mean our profession isn’t legitimate. And would any of you out there have the courage to ask out your therapist, doctor, or your favorite movie star expecting them to say yes, and then get terribly upset at them when they would say, “No” and called them a money hungry scam artist? This is what we do … we listen to you, we dance for you, we care for you … but since there is no set price on us we do have the right to walk away from you into the dressing room to decompress from you. That doesn’t make us anything you can own or have any rights to. We are free strippers and we get to choose. But we are only that when we work. And your dollars are pity dollars, yet, we take ever single one of them as a treasure. We feed our families with it, take care of our aching bodies with it, and yes, some of us buy drugs with it, so we can cope with more bullshit just like your wives that fill their prescriptions on Prozac. We are strippers, but we buy our own shit, pay our own bills, and work hard for everything we can afford.

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Posted in Stripper Secrets with tags , , , , , , , , on October 9, 2014 by tiltdiary

It was still early into our shift and the club was dead. We were sitting in the dressing room, while the other dancers were drinking at the bar, discussing our family history. And she said to me, “My mother is really proud of me. She thinks it shows much confidence, feminine power, and strength to work as a stripper.” I said, “It can show that. But my patents can never know.” It all depends how your family views the world. I remember years ago my parents visiting me in LA. I didn’t think anything of it, but when my mother discovered my 8 inch stilettos she almost had a heart attack. She yelled at me in Croatian, “You better hide these shoes. If your father sees them he will disinherit you. And for what do you have shoes like this anyways?” Back then, I didn’t work as a stripper yet, and I tried to explain, “I dance in those shoes. Pole dance.” My mother’s face shriveled up, “How can you dance in shoes like this? Nobody can even walk in shoes like this.” I didn’t bother to explain how my shoes made me feel and how much I loved them. I don’t think my mother would’ve understood. I just hid them to make sure my father wouldn’t find them. And of course, my parents couldn’t even understand and tolerate shoes like this, how could they understand that their daughter, who they sent to the most prestigious schools in Germany, started dancing for dollars in shoes like this. We strippers hold many secrets. We have to. To protect the ones we love the most and to protect ourselves. Society isn’t ready for the truth yet. And maybe society will never be ready for the truth.

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Posted in Jones' wisdom with tags , , , , , , , , on April 11, 2014 by tiltdiary

Why is everybody so judgmental of strip clubs and strippers? No one likes these establishments, and everybody finds excuses why they are going there or better said why they accidentally ended up visiting a strip club. Yet, women as well as men seek us strippers out repeatedly  and even want to learn from us. Women wear our stilettos, perform in them (of course, always stating they are NOT a stripper, yet, we teach them the art of seduction and undressing skillfully), dress like us, dwell in the fantasy of being showered by some stranger’s dollar bills, yet, there will always be a clear disclaimer, that they are NOT a stripper. What is the definition of a stripper? The dictionary defines it: “1. A person who strips 2. Also called ecdysiast, exotic dancer, stripteaser. A person who performs a striptease.” Why does the word stripper bring always negativity, shadiness, and prostitution with it? In every profession you have good and bad apples, but who are we to judge? Aren’t we all selling ourselves, our precious life hours for money? Are the rich housewives whose husband’s pay for their plastic surgeries in exchange for pity sex much better than prostitutes? And after all, without strip clubs, bunny ranches, and other sexually oriented establishment the rape rates would even be higher and the divorce rates would escalate even more. And don’t forget, prostitutes and adult entertainers have kept the men who fought selflessly for their country sane.

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Posted in Jones' wisdom with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on January 16, 2014 by tiltdiary

Pole dancing has meanwhile turned into a highly competitive sport, “pole sport.” Men as well as women show amazing athleticism, strength, flexibility, and endurance on the metal apparatus called pole. The moves are breath taking and the competition level is pushed every year to a new limit. The people that compete are truly amazing, determined, driven, and skilled athletes, and I have a deep respect for each and every competitor.

However, the more I follow the developments of pole sport the more I get the feeling that there is still some type of shame about the origin of pole dancing and the fact that it has a long history (way before pole sport existed) of being practiced in strip clubs. In fact, the female performers will make sure that everybody knows that they have never ever worked as a stripper and that they see pole dancing strictly as a sport. Pole sport has stripped all sensuality out of pole dancing and makes sure that it is a form of gymnastics practiced on the pole. I wonder why sensuality and sexuality is such a threat to the world. Isn’t it the most powerful force that is fueling all of us? Isn’t it fact that without sexuality none of us would exist? Why do the women of the pole world allow such judgement from the media that they have to attest (especially when they win a competition) that they have nothing to do with stripping and strip clubs. Yet, as a pole dancing teacher I get most women in to the pole room to learn from me because they are ready to explore and develop the power of their sensuality, and they are hungry to learn about seduction. Of course, secretly, no one can know, and they cannot admit to their co-workers or girlfriends that they in fact are taking pole dancing classes. We all know the fear of being judged, but the only way of eliminating this judgement is by not giving the world the power to judge and by making out of your fitness routine, your competition skills, and your life whatever you want it to be. And don’t tell me sex and sensuality don’t matter, because even in the most rigid routine of ballet dancing and the most innocent fairy tale for kids it’s always about the prince hooking up with the maid to live happily ever after.

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Posted in Stripper Secrets with tags , , , , , on October 29, 2013 by tiltdiary

Most of the girls that work with me are much younger than me. They are in their early 20s and started stripping when they turned 19 or younger. But most of them are physically in worst shape then I am. Stripping is a physically demanding job. Most of the dancer have knee and back issues. The first thing that goes is your knees, then the hips and back are affected. Although, we manage to feign the perfect fantasy world for our customers reality look very different. Stripping is a physically and psychologically very demanding job and it wears on your body and your soul. Not to mention we are the most disrespected entertainers, yet, we give people what everybody is looking for.

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Posted in Adventures of Jones with tags , , , , on August 7, 2013 by tiltdiary

He said to me, “Look, my friend really likes you, I mean he really likes you, but he is done with strippers. But, I tell you what, we’ll go out on a date Saturday. Daisy will be my date, and you’ll be Ronnie’s date. You get this one date to prove yourself to Ronnie.” I just nodded my head and thought to myself: Why should I need to prove myself to anybody. Ronnie really likes me, but he only knows me for about 5 minutes now. and why would I want to convince a man who has such a bad opinion about strippers that I am a good one. Not to mention, if he thinks the strippers ripped him off, I wonder how regular women would have ripped him off. At least we strippers are straight forward and name the price.

I was too curious to let the story go, so I agreed to the Saturday date, and Matt continued, “Ronnie will pick you up, and we’ll have a great time. But remember, you get this one chance only …” I said, “I don’t drive with strangers in the car …” But I didn’t get to finish my sentence, and Matt interrupted me, “Yeah, Ronnie will pick you up.” Me again, “I don’t get with strangers in the car, and you both drink and drive, so …” And I was interrupted again by Matt, “That’s why Ronnie will pick you up, and we’ll take you to this great strip club downtown.”

I never gave them my information, so that made the date impossible, but I am sure Matt will bother me about another double date soon. I wonder though, since they couldn’t even understand the simplest statement I made and didn’t show me the slightest respect for my choices, if Ronnie’s experience of being taken advantage of by mean strippers is caused due to his lack of the ability to hear what a woman says. Not to mention, if strippers are such scum, why would they want to visit another strip club with the date of their choice. Weird, huh? Maybe they can’t get dates except out of the strip club.

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