Pole dancing has meanwhile turned into a highly competitive sport, “pole sport.” Men as well as women show amazing athleticism, strength, flexibility, and endurance on the metal apparatus called pole. The moves are breath taking and the competition level is pushed every year to a new limit. The people that compete are truly amazing, determined, driven, and skilled athletes, and I have a deep respect for each and every competitor.

However, the more I follow the developments of pole sport the more I get the feeling that there is still some type of shame about the origin of pole dancing and the fact that it has a long history (way before pole sport existed) of being practiced in strip clubs. In fact, the female performers will make sure that everybody knows that they have never ever worked as a stripper and that they see pole dancing strictly as a sport. Pole sport has stripped all sensuality out of pole dancing and makes sure that it is a form of gymnastics practiced on the pole. I wonder why sensuality and sexuality is such a threat to the world. Isn’t it the most powerful force that is fueling all of us? Isn’t it fact that without sexuality none of us would exist? Why do the women of the pole world allow such judgement from the media that they have to attest (especially when they win a competition) that they have nothing to do with stripping and strip clubs. Yet, as a pole dancing teacher I get most women in to the pole room to learn from me because they are ready to explore and develop the power of their sensuality, and they are hungry to learn about seduction. Of course, secretly, no one can know, and they cannot admit to their co-workers or girlfriends that they in fact are taking pole dancing classes. We all know the fear of being judged, but the only way of eliminating this judgement is by not giving the world the power to judge and by making out of your fitness routine, your competition skills, and your life whatever you want it to be. And don’t tell me sex and sensuality don’t matter, because even in the most rigid routine of ballet dancing and the most innocent fairy tale for kids it’s always about the prince hooking up with the maid to live happily ever after.

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