Archive for exchanging platsic surgery for sex


Posted in Jones' wisdom with tags , , , , , , , , on April 11, 2014 by tiltdiary

Why is everybody so judgmental of strip clubs and strippers? No one likes these establishments, and everybody finds excuses why they are going there or better said why they accidentally ended up visiting a strip club. Yet, women as well as men seek us strippers out repeatedly  and even want to learn from us. Women wear our stilettos, perform in them (of course, always stating they are NOT a stripper, yet, we teach them the art of seduction and undressing skillfully), dress like us, dwell in the fantasy of being showered by some stranger’s dollar bills, yet, there will always be a clear disclaimer, that they are NOT a stripper. What is the definition of a stripper? The dictionary defines it: “1. A person who strips 2. Also called ecdysiast, exotic dancer, stripteaser. A person who performs a striptease.” Why does the word stripper bring always negativity, shadiness, and prostitution with it? In every profession you have good and bad apples, but who are we to judge? Aren’t we all selling ourselves, our precious life hours for money? Are the rich housewives whose husband’s pay for their plastic surgeries in exchange for pity sex much better than prostitutes? And after all, without strip clubs, bunny ranches, and other sexually oriented establishment the rape rates would even be higher and the divorce rates would escalate even more. And don’t forget, prostitutes and adult entertainers have kept the men who fought selflessly for their country sane.

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