You’ve always wondered when and why you would quit stripping. You had hoped you’d walk away because you got too rich and too successful instead of being forced to stop dancing because you had become too frail, too old, too tired, too turned off. You’d never actually imagined that some outside forces would make you want to decide to hang the stilettos in the closed. And you wonder about your options. About how you will continue to do more good, save lives, and make a difference without the money you brought in through your little, secret nighttime engagement.

Today, I hold no answers for what comes next. I imagine many possibilities, and I have even considered to move away from the city that made me a proud dancer who wasn’t afraid of anything. But decisions have not been finalized yet, as I promise myself not to give up. As I owe it to myself to hold on to my dreams although it seems impossible to pick up where I left it. As my wise best friend says, “We don’t have to know how … we just keep praying and trusting.”

Jonesing for more? http://www.amazon.com/dp/1257802860/ref=dra_a_rv_ss_ho_it_P1400_1000?tag=dradis-20
Or watch http://vimeo.com/59749732
Or click on https://www.amazon.com/author/aajones

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