Yes, I have become tough, I am a tough girl. If you want to survive the strip club you have to grow thick skin. Strippers are tough. Yes, I am used to being judged, called a slut, called a nasty girl, even called a stupid whore. Yes, I am used to be ignored purposefully, not liked just because of my profession. I am even used to being hated. I know, I am the enemy, a punching bag for society. Because we like pointing fingers. Yes, I understand judgement is born out of fear … people judge what they don’t know because the unknown scares them and gives them permission to put it down. I understand all of it, maybe I understand it too much. Why you hate me, and why you judge me. But it still hurts. I am a human. I am not invincible. Judgement hurts.

Jonesing for more? http://www.amazon.com/dp/1257802860/ref=dra_a_rv_ss_ho_it_P1400_1000?tag=dradis-20

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